Revistas Profesionales de Inspección

Journal of Educational Supervision

The Journal of Educational Supervision (JES) publishes peer-reviewed articles related to the field of supervisory practices in education. Through a double-blind peer-reviewed process, JES offers a wide range of opportunities for academics and practitioners to add to the literature on supervision that addresses the nexus of theory and practice. The University of Maine College of Education and Human Development sponsors this journal in an effort to preserve and promote the formative feedback practices that inform preparation and practices of educators in supervision.

Educational administration & supervision.

Editorial: Baltimore, Md. : Warwick & York, 1915-1960.

Edición/Formato: Revista : Publicación periódica : Inglés (eng)Ver todas las ediciones y todos los formatos


School management and organization — Periodicals.

School supervision — Periodicals.

Teachers — Training — Periodicals.


Counselor Education and Supervision (CES) is the official publication of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), a division of the American Counseling Association.
Aims and Scope. Counselor Education and Supervision (CES) publishes articles on research, theory development, and program applications with essential information for the preparation and supervision of counselors in various settings.


Artículos y libros

It’s Time to Rethink Teacher Supervision and Evaluation

Marshall, Kim, Phi Delta Kappan

The process by which most teachers are supervised and evaluated is inefficient, ineffective, and a poor use of principals’ time, argues Mr. Marshall. It needs to be drastically streamlined and linked to a broader strategy for improving teaching and learning.

A principal boasts that he spends two hours a day in classrooms. And it’s true — he really does visit his school’s 17 teachers daily, chatting with students and occasionally chiming in on a lesson. But when teachers are asked what kind of feedback they get, they say the principal rarely talks to them about what he sees when he strolls through their classes.

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A principal gets complaints from several parents about a history teacher’s problems with discipline but is so overwhelmed that she rarely visits his classroom. When she does her required observation of his class, she sees a carefully planned lesson featuring an elaborate PowerPoint presentation and well-behaved students. The principal feels she has no choice but to do a positive write-up of this lesson and give the teacher a satisfactory rating.

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Supervisión 21 revista de educación e inspección

Página web de la revista

El objetivo de la revista es difundir aspectos relevantes del ámbito educativo, dedicando un tratamiento específico y destacado a los temas relacionados con la inspección de educación, así como los vinculados a ella directamente: organización y participación escolar, legislación, liderazgo pedagógico, evaluación en todos los ámbitos, calidad y mejora educativa y derechos y deberes de la comunidad educativa. La revista tiene por destinatarios a toda la comunidad educativa, pudiendo participar aportando sus colaboraciones inspectoras de educación, equipos directivos, docentes, profesores universitarios, investigadores y cualquier miembro de la comunidad educativa.

  • ISSN-e: 1886-5895

  • Inicio: 2006

  • Periodicidad: Trimestral

  • País: España

  • Idioma: español

  • Arbitraje: Revisión editorial




Avances en supervisión educativa Revista de la Asociación de Inspectores de Educación de España

Página web de la revista

  • ISSN-e: 1885-0286

  • Inicio: 2005

  • Periodicidad: Semestral

  • País: España

  • Idioma: español

  • Arbitraje: Revisión por pares doble ciego




AULA Vol. 25 (2019): La Inspección de Educación a examen


Publicado: 2019-09-02 DOI:



Revista Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia Y Cambio En Educación